Is $550 Too Much For PSVR2?

PSVR 2 is coming on 22 February 2023 and the base variant is gonna cost you over $500 which is more than the price of the PS5 console.

So the burning question here is whether the $550 price tag worth it or not. Let’s see the full comparison of PSVR 2 with the Meta Quest 3 to find out why it’s priced at $500.

It’s a little bit hard for many users to understand why Sony thought it was a good idea to launch the headset at this price range.

Lots of critics are assuming that things are going to be poor for it.

In fact the deeper you look into the price the stupider it seems.

The $549.99 is a ridiculously steep price for psvr2 as it is but it’s also worth remembering that this is peripheral.

This means you can’t use it unless you have the PS5 which somehow is cheaper than the headset.

Considering Sony’s cutting-edge technology included in PSVR 2, which surpasses virtually every VR headset on the market, the price seems quite reasonable.

Before we get to the pros, let’s go over some cons.

It’s Not The Cheapest Accessories For PS5 At All

We live in a world where a console’s peripheral is significantly costlier than the console’s.

Though it’s not exactly a new occurrence, Sega went berserk with this sort of stuff back in the day.

But it was a stupid attempt back then and it’s still stupid now.

Of course, the PS5 itself isn’t exactly a cheap purchase either.

The diskless version costs four hundred dollars while the regular model costs $500.

Either way that’s already a pretty hefty chunk of money you’d have to pay before you even purchase the PSVR2.

Once you do purchase it you have at the very least spent 950 dollars, or over a thousand.

Yet we didn’t include the gaming costs which depend on the users and how much they are willing on the console or VR games.

Though heart doesn’t listen to anyone when it comes to playing online with PS5 or VR headsets.

PSVR 2’s price is Not so outrageous: Let’s take a quick peek at the gaming library

With any new hardware launch, the ultimate question is always this: does its library of games justify its price?

The games that have been officially announced so far all seem to be quite good for me.

Horizon call of the mountain which is going to be a launch title has looked promising.

Also, there are so many crowds of people out there who are absolutely dying to get their hands on this game at any cost.

Firewall Ultra is in development for PSVR2 and it’s looking good so far but again it’s not exactly what you would call a killer app.

The much-awaited Resident Evil Village and the dark pictures Switchback are promising games and will potentially deliver great experiences.

Just look at some of the best PS VR games out now & upcoming for the PS VR headset.

But what do you think, is it enough to make the vast majority of people want to go out and invest $550 in the headset?

Also, we can’t ignore that the vast majority of the games that have been announced for PSVR 2 so far are likely going to be available for other VR headsets as well, such as:

  • The WalkingDead Saints and Sinners chapter 2 – Quest 2 headset
  • No man’s Sky VR – Original PSVR Headset
  • The Light Brigade – Original PSVR Headset
  • Hello Neighbor – Original PSVR Headset
  • Search and rescue – Original PSVR Headset

The list goes on.

The is one game that would have convinced many to go out and buy the PSVR 2 headset and that one is half-Life Alex, but sadly the announcement is yet to be made.

The True Opinion And Users Verdict

It’s true that for a Playstation VR sequel it’s impossible to capture a mass audience like Meta’s quest 2 which sold over 20 million+ units worldwide.

Though Meta Quest 3 is also coming in this $500 – $600 price range, it will also include a standalone feature, new lances, an improved strap, lots of new games, backward compatibility and lastly metaverse.

But that doesn’t mean PSVR 2 gets behind any other headset, I think it is ahead of its time in the Virtual world, this whole sentence can justify this sequel.

And users are also excited to pre-order PSVR 2 asap on 15 Nov.

Though the excitement seems to be a little bit low on users who don’t have a pre-purchased PS5, so they will have to spend over a thousand bucks to get the taste of it.

On the other hand, Many are saying that “The price of this advanced headset is reasonable when compared with a 2016 PSVR 1 bundle including the camera and PlayStation Movies, which sold for $499.”

For others, the price is also quite reasonable given the specs and alternatives.

But the only issues they are concerned about lack of backward compatibility and the lack of software titles.

Overall I must say that despite a lot of lacking the price of the PSVR 2 is understandable and it’s gonna be a great headset due to its new technology that already surpasses high-end headsets like Meta quest pro.

Are you compelled to purchase this $550 Playstation VR 2 headset?

In the end, it all boils down to this question: “What alternative options are available that could compete with the PSVR 2 headset?”

Sadly the answer is Zero.

PSVR 2 does have a competitor, Meta Quest 3, which will launch in October 2023, 8 months after PSVR 2.

Despite the niche nature of VR, there are plenty of options available.

So, it’s not like people who are interested in a VR are going to have no other option but to buy a PSVR 2.

Something like the Quest 2 a respectably powerful device that is much more convenient to use and has a solid library of games will set you back between $500.

For its recent price hike which isn’t necessarily cheap either but you’re not going to need an already costly console since it’s a standalone VR headset.